Caring . Respectful . Empathetic . Demonstrating attributes . Intentional . Thinker
What is the CREDIT System? |
How CREDITS Are Earned: |
How CREDITS Are Restored: |
We understand our students are still learning and practicing our IB attributes and sometimes need a moment to reflect on choices.
Here are the steps for our CREDIT System:
The expectation is that students will restore their CREDITs as a way to reflect and learn. Students who do not restore CREDITs may lose privileges until CREDITs are restored. Privileges include: sports, field trips, dances, class parties, etc. Communication about CREDIT loss and CREDIT restoration will happen between students, teachers, and parents via planners, emails, and/or reflection forms. |
Please note, this list is meant to provide an example of why CREDITs may be given, but amount may change depending on the situation.
Disruption Disrespect Minor Technology violation Inappropriate language, including teasing Out of uniform or dress code (1/2 credit each time) 2 CREDITs "Rough housing" (pushing/shoving) 3 CREDITs Continued disrespect/disruption In unauthorized area without permission Overt defiance or disrespect 4 CREDITs Poor behavior for a substitute Offensive language/Profanity 5 CREDITs Major Technology misuse |
Students must get approval for desired restoration activity from a staff member. Once given approval, students will be given a restoration sheet to write a reflection and get a signature from whoever they did the restoration with.
20 minutes of service = 1 CREDIT
During School (Lunch Recess) -Help in a younger classroom -Clean campus -Office support Before/After School (on campus) -Clean campus -Research a topic relating to a current unit of inquiry & share with teacher -Help at a sporting event (lines, set up, score keep, etc.) with prior training from Athletic Director -Summarizing and reflecting on teacher provided article related to situation Outside of School (Prior teacher approval needed) -Volunteer + reflection on learning (signed by supervisor or parent) |
Ways We Celebrate Students
We love to celebrate students who consistently embody our IB attributes! Our students work hard, and we love to recognize their efforts.
Here are ways we celebrate our students:
Here are ways we celebrate our students:
- Golden horseshoes (donuts, popsicles, etc)
- Students receive a "Golden Horseshoe" or raffle ticket they submit to the office. Tickets are chosen weekly for students to earn a treat.
- Students receive a "Golden Horseshoe" or raffle ticket they submit to the office. Tickets are chosen weekly for students to earn a treat.
- MYP Celebration Lunches
- MYP teachers choose a student from their class to celebrate
- MYP teachers choose a student from their class to celebrate
- Class incentives