Language Policy
At Loomis Basin Charter School (LBCS), language is a vital instrument for learning, communication, and expression. Teaching and learning are driven by the idea that through language instruction, we are encouraging intercultural awareness, new perspectives, curiosity, and an appreciation of our world’s diversity. Through the exploration of language, students become communicators in our multilingual world.
LBCS believes that all teachers are responsible for language development. Staff meets regularly to learn best practices, discuss student data to analyze instructional practices, and articulate skill development vertically and horizontally.
The following reading practices will be implemented throughout the program:
The following writing practices will be implemented throughout the program:
The following speaking & listening practices will be implemented throughout the program:
Primary Language
In order to promote holistic learning within the context of the IB, the stakeholders at LBCS recognize the importance of incorporating the teaching and learning of language throughout the implementation of the program. English is the language of instruction of the school, since students must meet English language requirements provided by the state common core standards. The development of language is crucial as it allows students to make connections within and across subject areas. For assessment purposes, the IB MYP language criteria are used along with the Loomis Union School District grading policy. Language instruction is informed by both the California Common Core Standards and the IB Language objectives.
Language Acquisition
At LBCS, stakeholders recognize that the acquisition of other languages and learning about different cultures provides students with a multitude of opportunities to develop international-mindedness through the attributes of the IB Learner Profile. The importance of students becoming culturally and linguistically proficient in a second language is recognized, and all students receive instruction in Spanish. All students, starting in the Primary Years Program and continuing through 8th grade, have the opportunity to learn Spanish as their world language. As a result of exposure to, and experience with a second language, students are encouraged to develop intercultural awareness, new perspectives, a culture of curiosity, as well as an appreciation of the richness of our world’s diversity. In the PYP, students are have Spanish instruction four days a week for a period of 30-40 minutes. In the MYP, students have Spanish instruction four days a week for a period of 50 minutes.
Students receive instruction using an immersion model. Teaching integrates the skill areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing and viewing. In addition, emphasis on grammatical structures and vocabulary development, especially in the upper grades, helps students develop the tools needed to become effective communicators in our multilingual world. All of our Spanish instructors are native speakers.
International understanding, cultural awareness, and historical knowledge are enhanced through the study of the customs, traditions, songs, poems, and everyday life in Spanish-speaking countries throughout the world.
Second language teachers support the school’s reading, writing and oral language practices, the IB Learner Profile, the attitudes, as well as the programs of inquiry in MYP, whenever and wherever appropriate.
An overwhelming majority of LBCS students Mother Tongue is English, which is also the language of instruction at the school. However, within our student population there are bilingual students, including those whose home language is a language other than English.
When students enroll in our district they are identified as possible English Learners through the Home Language Survey. Students whose mother-tongue language is not English are given the ELPAC – English Language Proficiency Assessment for California. This test determines the level to which a student has acquired English proficiency and determines whether or not a student may need additional support services. English Language Learners are placed in classrooms with a teacher who is authorized to teach English Learners and are provided specialized instruction in English Language Development.
LBCS supports mother-tongue language development through recognizing and celebrating the various mother-tongue languages within our school. Additionally, students’ cultural and linguistic backgrounds are celebrated and explored through units of inquiry, activities, speakers, field trips, and community connections whenever possible. We also continue to extend mother-tongue resources available in our library for our school community.
The school has several formal and informal support services available, including:
Loomis Basin Charter School
IB Middle Years Programme
Staff Essential Agreements for
Language Instruction
The faculty and staff at LBCS recognize that language is a vital instrument for learning, communication and expression, and that all teachers are language teachers. In order to promote inquiry-based language learning within the context of the PYP and the MYP, it is understood that language instruction takes place all day and in all subjects.
Both the PYP and MYP faculties agree that language learning at the school will:
Furthermore, the PYP and MYP faculties agree to:
At Loomis Basin Charter School (LBCS), language is a vital instrument for learning, communication, and expression. Teaching and learning are driven by the idea that through language instruction, we are encouraging intercultural awareness, new perspectives, curiosity, and an appreciation of our world’s diversity. Through the exploration of language, students become communicators in our multilingual world.
LBCS believes that all teachers are responsible for language development. Staff meets regularly to learn best practices, discuss student data to analyze instructional practices, and articulate skill development vertically and horizontally.
The following reading practices will be implemented throughout the program:
- reading will take place in all subject areas, and students will read across the curriculum whenever appropriate;
- a variety of practices will be used when planning for instruction, which includes, but is not limited to guided reading groups, differentiated reading instruction, word lists, graphic organizers, use of leveled reading material;
- students will be encouraged to read for information, read for pleasure and read aloud expressively;
- students will be exposed to a variety of genres, including literature, poetry, plays, trade books, short stories, newspapers/magazines, and informational text;
- vocabulary-building techniques such as word walls, word of the day, use of idioms, and literary elements such as metaphors and similes will be utilized across the curriculum, whenever appropriate;
The following writing practices will be implemented throughout the program:
- teachers will recognize and celebrate student writing through class presentations and writing wall display
- students’ natural desire to communicate through writing will be fostered by giving real purpose to their writing, and by exposing them to varied, challenging, and meaningful writing opportunities;
- teachers will ensure consistency of the promotion of the writing process (planning, outlining, drafting, editing, proofreading, publishing), as age appropriate throughout the grade levels;
- students will be provided with opportunities to express themselves in writing through a variety of genres, including but not limited to, journaling, essays, blogs
- students will be provided with opportunities to acquire, develop and use language specific to different subject areas;
- development of writing will be supported by providing constructive feedback from teachers, peers, and other adults;
- teachers will provide instruction in and model the correct usage of written and oral language conventions, including spelling, grammar, rules of punctuation, and handwriting.
- several literary elements (i.e., foreshadow, symbolism, synesthesia, etc.) will be reviewed in order to teach good writing skills that allow for more interesting reading.
The following speaking & listening practices will be implemented throughout the program:
- teachers will model correct language usage in conversation, while being sensitive of students’ cultural background and mother tongue;
- students will be provided ample opportunities to develop and utilize oral language beyond everyday classroom conversations through oral presentations, debates, speeches, role-play, poetry recitations, songs, i-Movies, listening stations, podcasts etc.;
- teachers will plan activities that expose students to conventions of oral language and aid them in responding appropriately to a range of contexts and audiences.
Primary Language
In order to promote holistic learning within the context of the IB, the stakeholders at LBCS recognize the importance of incorporating the teaching and learning of language throughout the implementation of the program. English is the language of instruction of the school, since students must meet English language requirements provided by the state common core standards. The development of language is crucial as it allows students to make connections within and across subject areas. For assessment purposes, the IB MYP language criteria are used along with the Loomis Union School District grading policy. Language instruction is informed by both the California Common Core Standards and the IB Language objectives.
Language Acquisition
At LBCS, stakeholders recognize that the acquisition of other languages and learning about different cultures provides students with a multitude of opportunities to develop international-mindedness through the attributes of the IB Learner Profile. The importance of students becoming culturally and linguistically proficient in a second language is recognized, and all students receive instruction in Spanish. All students, starting in the Primary Years Program and continuing through 8th grade, have the opportunity to learn Spanish as their world language. As a result of exposure to, and experience with a second language, students are encouraged to develop intercultural awareness, new perspectives, a culture of curiosity, as well as an appreciation of the richness of our world’s diversity. In the PYP, students are have Spanish instruction four days a week for a period of 30-40 minutes. In the MYP, students have Spanish instruction four days a week for a period of 50 minutes.
Students receive instruction using an immersion model. Teaching integrates the skill areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing and viewing. In addition, emphasis on grammatical structures and vocabulary development, especially in the upper grades, helps students develop the tools needed to become effective communicators in our multilingual world. All of our Spanish instructors are native speakers.
International understanding, cultural awareness, and historical knowledge are enhanced through the study of the customs, traditions, songs, poems, and everyday life in Spanish-speaking countries throughout the world.
Second language teachers support the school’s reading, writing and oral language practices, the IB Learner Profile, the attitudes, as well as the programs of inquiry in MYP, whenever and wherever appropriate.
An overwhelming majority of LBCS students Mother Tongue is English, which is also the language of instruction at the school. However, within our student population there are bilingual students, including those whose home language is a language other than English.
When students enroll in our district they are identified as possible English Learners through the Home Language Survey. Students whose mother-tongue language is not English are given the ELPAC – English Language Proficiency Assessment for California. This test determines the level to which a student has acquired English proficiency and determines whether or not a student may need additional support services. English Language Learners are placed in classrooms with a teacher who is authorized to teach English Learners and are provided specialized instruction in English Language Development.
LBCS supports mother-tongue language development through recognizing and celebrating the various mother-tongue languages within our school. Additionally, students’ cultural and linguistic backgrounds are celebrated and explored through units of inquiry, activities, speakers, field trips, and community connections whenever possible. We also continue to extend mother-tongue resources available in our library for our school community.
The school has several formal and informal support services available, including:
- Student Success Team (SST) meetings can be called whenever a student is in need of additional support or early intervention in order to be successful in school. The SST team members include administrators, MYP coordinator, special education teacher, general education teachers, intervention specialist, student services personnel and the student’s parents.
- Special Education Students with special education needs receive services from a specialized academic instructor through the Resource Specialist Program (RSP). The specialized academic instructor uses strategies that promote the mastery of essential language skills in an effort to maximize the potential of each student. The specialized academic instructor works with students using both “push in” and “pull out” models, as appropriate, and works with the classroom teachers to support the activities in the homeroom.
- The Student Service Coordinator works with classroom teachers and students to improve reading, writing and language skills. His or her responsibilities may include participation in team meetings, sharing information about district and state initiatives, supporting teachers with instructional strategies and assessments, providing supplemental resources for struggling readers, assisting with the reporting and analysis of data to meet the needs of diverse learners, training teachers and students on programs, and working with students in small groups in their classrooms as needed. The Student Service Coordinator works closely with the resource teacher.
- A Spanish Instructor pulls students during a Friday to work with new students to our school and students who need additional support in Language Acquisition.
Loomis Basin Charter School
IB Middle Years Programme
Staff Essential Agreements for
Language Instruction
The faculty and staff at LBCS recognize that language is a vital instrument for learning, communication and expression, and that all teachers are language teachers. In order to promote inquiry-based language learning within the context of the PYP and the MYP, it is understood that language instruction takes place all day and in all subjects.
Both the PYP and MYP faculties agree that language learning at the school will:
- be consistent and age appropriate;
- support the development of skills and understanding in the language of instruction (English) as well as the additional language of Spanish
- be differentiated to meet the needs of learning styles of all students, including but not limited to those needing special services;
- be reflected in the programme of inquiry, transdisciplinary (PYP) and interdisciplinary (MYP) planners and individual lesson plans.
Furthermore, the PYP and MYP faculties agree to:
- work with all students so they may achieve mastery of the essential language skills – reading, writing, listening, speaking and viewing;
- utilize a variety of materials to enhance the development of language skills.